Well, we all know by now that Google keeps changing their logo on certain occasions to mark dates in history. "Google Doodles" as they are called. But, it doesn't stop there. Google just recently changed their entire layout! I've been noticing that for the past couple of months, there are a few minute changes here and there in Google's appearance and layout. Like, for example, a week ago or so, we saw that Google's upper bar which displayed the options "Web | Images | Videos ..." etc, was in white color; also having the "iGoogle" and "Sign In" button on the right of the bar. Well, now, that bar is in dark black color, and the "iGoogle" option has been discarded.. Another thing I noticed weeks ago, was the size increment in Google's logo.. It was huge and Google added their new feature called "Google Instant" where as you're typing, search results start coming relating to your search, till the last letter of your search. That kind of made Google seem snappy, also excluding the need for pressing the Enter key or clicking on "Google Search" to get your result. Plus, the other new feature, which Google added a week ago or so is Google's "Voice Search". Where after configuring your microphone, you could instead of typing your query, could now speak it into the search box! It was really cool since it was kind of like a state-of-the-art feature for the lay person. It's kind of cool.. You can use it if you're not sure of your spelling, or are slow at typing, or simply, like to talk a lot.. :P And the many other impressive features like Google's Image Search, which just got better..! Now you can click a photo and upload it into Google Images to find out what it is..! Or simply paste the URL of a picture that you want to know more about.. It's really awesome!
But woah! .. On 29th Jun 2011, it exploded! There was a complete change! Google now has its logo smaller, and is now in the center of the page. The buttons of "Google Search" and "I'm feeling lucky" have become smaller and I think the font too has changed slightly. Notice the overall change by going to www.google.com .. I think they are trying to make it look cleaner, sharper and more appealing. Also, now when you type a query, you'll notice that the "Search" button which used to be there to the right of the search box (when using Google Instant or when you're at the results page) has now been transformed into a magnifying glass with a blue background. And on the left where you have your search result filters or options, the color has changed. The headings are now in red and the sub headings in grey. Google's kind of changed the color scheme and the layout! This I think is a big change in the past few years in Google.
So... What do you think of the new Google? Is it better? Is it worse? You've got another idea? Or you're not bothered? Write down your thoughts...!